
Why networks (and courage) are the future of business

It seems obvious now he’s said it, doesn’t it? But Klein wasn’t just talking about traditional networking. He wasn’t waxing lyrical about the power of community and collaboration in a very conventional sense (although we do believe in that, too). At SAP, networks are being transformed


Just do one thing

Welcome to this week’s LEAP:IN newsletter. Each week, we unpack leader’s powerful quotes and decipher the tech landscape. With exclusive content from some of the world’s leading experts in AI, robotics, space, edutech, climate tech and more, read on to discover this week’s insights and


Blend it: how to create a sustainable investment ecosystem

“We can mobilise money into the Middle East and Africa, but unless we have that reliable pipeline of investible startups, we are not going to get anywhere.”  The tech industry often puts the responsibility for securing investment very heavily on the shoulders of startup founders. But in reality, investments depend


Life lessons: Transformation through tech

“If you look backwards over the last thirty years, technology — both consumer technology and enterprise technology — has been a powerful force for good.”  #LEAP22 was a milestone gathering for the global technology community. But, as Lord Stephen Carter (Group CEO of Informa) put it, “to create these events is not


A call to amplify local knowledge (and stories)

Welcome to this week’s LEAP:IN newsletter. Each week, we unpack leader’s powerful quotes and decipher the tech landscape. With exclusive content from some of the world’s leading experts in AI, robotics, space, edutech, climate tech and more, read on to discover this week’s insights and


It’s not what you think

Welcome to this week’s LEAP:IN newsletter. Each week, we unpack leader’s powerful quotes and decipher the tech landscape. With exclusive content from some of the world’s leading experts in AI, robotics, space, edutech, climate tech and more, read on to discover this week’s insights and