
Are questions the currency of the future?

Welcome to the 78 new techies who have joined us since last Friday. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. Our weekly pick of mind-bending and world-changing insights from LEAP speakers and


Inclusive leadership – in space

“Our whole capsule is flooded with light as the forward hatch opens and reveals Earth. And for me, capturing this moment of awe and wonder and beauty that we felt in that moment…and when I think about my time in space…it’s the moment of Earth light. Feeling


Are questions the currency of the future?

Welcome to the 78 new techies who have joined us since last Friday. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. Our weekly pick of mind-bending and world-changing insights from LEAP speakers and


Inclusive leadership – in space

“Our whole capsule is flooded with light as the forward hatch opens and reveals Earth. And for me, capturing this moment of awe and wonder and beauty that we felt in that moment…and when I think about my time in space…it’s the moment of Earth light. Feeling


Sustainability Leadership: Push, Don't Pull

As Zainab Al Amin (VP of Digital Transformation at Microsoft) pointed out at #LEAP22, the greatest challenge that humanity is facing right now is sustainability. We have no doubt that technological innovations will play an essential role in our ability to move through this time — but climate tech won’t