
Are you frightened or excited?

Sol helped launch IBM Watson, and was one of the world’s first Chief AI Officers. And she’s soon launching a Substack to share her wisdom (we’ve subscribed, and we think you probably should too).


What LEAP and data have in common

When we interviewed Edosa Odaro (Chief Data Analytics Officer at Tawuniya), he defined two key types of assets: 1. Exclusive assets. These gain their value through scarcity, and by being hoarded and traded in exclusive markets – like fine art and luxury watches. 2. Network assets. These gain their value by


Digital power can accelerate the world's sustainability goals

Global leaders gathered for the COP26 summit in November 2021 in the UK, bringing sustainability back on the international agenda. After two weeks of sometimes tense discussions, the world agreed on individual and collective measures to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this commitment is a


How Secure Is Data When It Is Stored in Cloud?

How secure is data when it is stored in cloud? If the last two years has taught us anything, it’s that we should be prepared for the unexpected.  The global pandemic has changed the way that we live our lives and the way that we work. Offices closed across


Genomics Push Precision Medicine to the Mainstream

The era of data-driven healthcare is upon us. The convergence of advanced medical knowledge, technology and data science is revolutionizing patient care leading to the next evolution in healthcare, precision medicine.  Most existing medical treatments have been designed for the “average patient.” As a result of this “one-size-fits-all” model, treatments